A última coleção
desenhada pela cantora Amy Winehouse, que morreu em julho deste ano, poderão
ser compradas pelos fãs de todo o mundo a partir da próxima terça-feira, dia 6.
As peças são
resultado da parceria entre a cantora e a grife inglesa Fred Perry.
Os fãs poderão adquirir
as peças pelo site: http://www.fredperry.com/women/ss12-amy-winehouse/
Os preços variam
entre R$ 150 e R$ 545. Já está definido que parte da renda com as vendas das
peças será
destinada a Fundação Amy Winehouse, criada para ajudar jovens desamparados ou
Um comentário:
Check this link: http://delightfull.eu/floor/amy_floor.html
Doesn't this lamp reminds you of someone?! Well.. we think it does, especially today, since her new album is coming out today!
What do you think? We want to know your opinion. Share with your friends.
Inspired by what makes her unique, Amy, is a tribute to the great British singer and songwriter. It's an elegant piece, with personality, outlined by detail, surrounded by the black of her hair and of her golden voice.
The floor version is a reading lamp, perfect to enjoy with your favorite book. The height is adjustable and it is slighty inclined into the front.
The table version and allows the diffuser to turn and regulate the light position.
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